Biblical Counseling

A relationship where the wisdom and grace of God meet the complex troubles of life.

  • Biblical counseling is the personal application of God’s Word to everyday life. This ministry is rooted in Scripture in three ways:

    1. We have biblical goals, for instance: suffering well, walking in repentance and faith, living out the wisdom and love of Christ, and finding satisfaction in a life of worship. We pursue these and other goals together in the midst of life’s troubles: anxiety and depression, addictions, broken trust in marriage, family conflict, burnout, chronic pain, and so on.

    2. We use biblical methods, modeled after the incarnational and relational ministry of Jesus. Our methods are not technical and clinical, but are rooted in things like friendship, discipleship, and worship. The goal of our relationship with you is growth in your relationship with Him, the source of all change and healing.

    3. Our content is biblical. Counseling is not a Bible study, but the Bible does serve as the foundation of everything we say and do. At the heart of that content is Jesus Christ, crucified and raised for the redemption of mankind. We want to apply God’s truth to your life in rich, precise ways.

  • Counseling is $125 / meeting with sliding-scale discounts available based on household income and size. Discounts for regular or long-term counseling require a counseling partnership, which is a six month commitment to a set monthly amount.

  • You can schedule a meeting by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

  • No, we do not accept insurance at this time. We raise funds from individuals and churches to offset the cost of counseling as needed.

  • All of our counselors have Master’s degrees and have received seminary training in interpreting Scripture and applying it to daily life and its problems. Our counselors are trained in the content and methods of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). Our counselors also hold other various credentials, such as church ordination and certification with the Association of Biblical Counselors.

    Although some of our counselors have additional training and/or licensure, for purposes of their counseling at Shreveport Biblical Counseling, they solely practice biblical counseling. As such, they do not function as professional counselors or therapists as licensed by the state.

  • Both biblical counseling and therapy address the problems of life in a relational context. So there is overlap and intersection of the two, yet as mentioned in the first question above, biblical counseling is a ministry whose content, methods, and goals are derived from the Bible, whereas therapy is a social service whose content, methods, and goals are derived from various psychologies. Neither is better or worse, they are simply different, and it’s important to distinguish the two so you know what kind of help you would receive.

    At times, when help needed is beyond the scope or skill of our counselors, we will refer you to doctors, psychiatrists, and other counselors.

  • Expect a conversation across a coffee table with someone who wants to get to know you and find out how to help. Expect to be asked questions, to do most of the talking, and to be prayed for. And expect both to receive compassion and also to be challenged as we explore the grace and truth of Jesus and apply it to your life.

  • We believe change happens in the context of a relationship, which takes time to build. For some, this may only take a handful of meetings. Typically, those who experience the most growth and change come regularly for six months or more. There are some who continue to come for years, not to work on the problems that originally brought them in but for help living out their faith more fully in daily life. In the end, it is up to you.

  • Although our counselors are grounded in their particular denominations, at SBC we seek to be “merely” Christian, as CS Lewis said. That means we hold firmly to what we believe to be central truths and hold loosely to secondary or peripheral matters. We do this so that we can reach the kingdom of God, which does not belong to a single denomination.

    Central truths to us are things like:

    1. The relational God who exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As such, he pursues relationship with us, even at great costs to himself.

    2. Man is fallen and by nature is in rebellion from God. Because of this, we cannot rescue ourselves from the sin and suffering that resulted from the Fall.

    3. God sent his Son to redeem us from sin and suffering through his perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection. This is the heart of the gospel.

    4. Scripture is a powerful and sufficient guide for wisdom and salvation. That does not mean that Scripture is sufficient to solve every problem, but that Scripture tells us what we need to know to live wise, loving, godly lives in the midst of life’s troubles.

    5. The Holy Spirit is the change agent in the process of sanctification. Counselor and counselee alike are dependent on him as they pursue growth and change.

    6. The church is central in God’s design and plan for transforming his people. We emphasize the importance of community in the process of sanctification.

    7. We are saved by grace through faith, meaning that salvation is a gift and not something we earn through obedience. Our work and obedience should flow out of what he has already done for us.

    8. Our hearts play a large role in our words, deeds, and emotions. What we love, worship, and pursue controls much of what we say, do, and feel - whether for good or ill.

    9. God made us both body and soul - embodied souls. Because of that, we keep in mind the body’s role in what we say, do, and feel.

    10. God gives both special grace and common grace. Although biblical counseling is mainly rooted in God’s special grace that is revealed in his Word, we are open to his common grace anywhere it is given to us. Medical, social, and other sciences have wisdom to offer that is not opposed to God’s wisdom, although everything must be understood and refined in the light of Scripture.

  • You don’t have to be a Christian or believe in God to receive biblical counseling. We are very considerate of those who don’t believe or who have been hurt by the church in the past and will meet them where they are. As one biblical counselor says, “When you can’t say ‘we,’ you move slowly.”

Don’t see your question?

Email us at and we’ll do our best to answer your question.

Schedule your first appointment

If you would like to schedule your first appointment, please fill out the form below. One of our counselors will be in touch within two business days. If you’d like to speed up the process, you can go ahead and fill out a Background Information form here.