The Paraclete: A Blog

Par·a·clete /ˈperəˌklēt/ noun, Greek

  1. One who comes alongside others to help (e.g. Rom. 12:8; 1 Thes. 2:11)

  2. A name given by Jesus to the Holy Spirit (e.g. John 14:16, 26)

Synonyms: Counselor, Helper, Comforter, Advocate

David Elston David Elston

Generalized Pharisee Disorder (GPD): Raising Awareness

If self-righteousness is such a big deal in the Bible, one of the greatest diseases of the human heart that has enormous spiritual, relational, emotional, and social consequences, why is it not more often considered a counseling issue?

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David Elston David Elston

10 Biblical Principles for Financial Stewardship

As you work on your finances, consider the incredible breadth and depth of Scripture’s wisdom on money. I’ve collected some of that below for you, as well as a handful of resources on financial stewardship.

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David Elston David Elston

An Exchange of Gifts

I have a gift for you. I’ve been working on it for the past few months and have finally finished it. Like any gift you make yourself, I’m eager to give it to you. One of the most common questions I get is, “Do you have any books you’d recommend on ______?”

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David Elston David Elston

Porn: When Accountability and Boundaries Aren’t Enough

Accountability and boundaries are undoubtedly important and surely the best place to begin the fight. Yet, underneath the accountability and behind the boundaries there often remains a heart that is still in love with the addiction.

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David Elston David Elston

A Sermon on the Most Hopeless Man in Scripture

What would it be like to counsel the author, Heman the Ezrahite, the most hopeless man in Scripture? What do you do when life has knocked the hope out of you, and you find yourself “in the depths of the pit, in the regions dark and deep?”

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David Elston David Elston

Reasons for Hope: An Open Letter to the Depressed

The aim of this letter, instead, is hope. To pierce the darkness with a bit of light, to crack open the door that leads out of the pit. And it’s not even general hope that I’m after. I want to help you find hope in God. Will you allow me to do that, or at least to try?

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David Elston David Elston

A Sample Chapter: The Shepherds

A few weeks ago I announced my most recent book, One of Us: Christ and the People of Christmas. For those interested, below is a sample chapter of the book, which looks at the birth of Christ through the shepherd’s eyes.

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David Elston David Elston

New Book Release: One of Us

Exciting news! I have a new book out: One of Us: Christ and the People of Christmas. For those of you who have read Resurrecting Beauty, this is very similar in style except the focus is Christmas rather than Easter.

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